How To Do Diabetes Management?

Diabetes is one of the rising diseases all around the world. It affects all the body parts like kidneys, eyes, joint, muscles and makes our body weak. Therefore, diabetic patients should be very much aware of their diets like what they can eat and what’s not good to eat. 

In this situation people can only eat in stable amount. They can neither eat too much nor lesser amount as it affects negatively on diabetic patients. Diabetic patients show take two time snacks with 3 times main meals. People should be aware about the right amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Let’s start with breakfast, they can eat porridge which is made of milk, eggs and bread. During lunch, eat vegetables, pulses and only 2 capatties and take same as in dinner. Because, this type of diet keeps your blood sugar level balanced.

Diabetes diet

Moreover, carbohydrates get easily converted into sugar in our body and proteins release sugar very slowly.

Diet For Diabetics

Morning tea / milk (7 am to 8 pm)

  • 1 cup milk / Tea (Without cream / sugar)

Breakfast (8 am to 9 pm)

  • 1 cup milk (without cream / sugar) / 2-3 Digestive Biscuits/ Sprouts / Dried fruits / fruits

10-11 a.m. in the morning

  • 1 cup vegetable soup (without sugar)

Afternoon (12 noon - 1 p.m.)       

  • 2 -3 bread + lentils - 100 grams + 1 cup of pulses + curd 1 cup (without sugar) + green vegetable (as required) + salad - take more (carrot, cucumber, radish, tomatoes)

4pm - 5pm        

  • 1 cup tea / milk / coffee (without sugars) or 1 - 2 healthy Cookies made by Whole Grains.

Night meal (7 am to 8 pm)

  • 2 -3 bread + lentils - 100 grams + 1 cup of pulses soup + curd 1 cup (without sugar) + green vegetable (as required) + Take Salad more (carrot, cucumber, radish, tomatoes)

Before sleeping (9-10pm at night)                   

  • According to the season, 1 any fruit (papaya, watermelon, pomegranate, orange) + 1 cup milk (without cream / sugar)

- Consult with your doctor before adopting this diet.

What we can eat ?
1. During whole day, eat whatever but in segments.
2. Among fruits and veggies, you can eat cherry, strawberry, orange, pomegranate, blackberries, papaya, bitter gourd, tomato, cucumber, gourd, zucchini and grapefruit.
3. Diabetic patients should eat low glycemic index food, because it converts into glucose very slowly. These foods are low glycemic index like Soybeans, Brown rice, white part of eggs, green veggies, kidney beans and grams.
4. Eat food which contains at least 20 percent fibre. Porridge, oats brown, kidney beans are fibre rich foods.
5. Eat sprouts on regular basis. These contain antioxidants in huge amount.

Cinnamon is little sweet in taste, but it is very helpful to control blood sugar level. It also reduces bad cholesterol and improves our immune system. Cinnamon is very beneficial in both diabetes such as Type1 diabetes and Type2 diabetes. Diabetic patients can take 5-10 grams cinnamon powder during breakfast or dinner with lukewarm water.

  • Do walk regularly which is very beneficial to reduce the affects of Diabetes.
  • Last but not the least, do keep your blood sugars level tested and monitored.

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